Theodore Roosevelt N.P. (North Unit)

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The next day we awoke to an even stormier day than the last.  Having dried out our rain gear from the previous day, we packed up and hit the road for an hour long trip to the northern unit of the park.  The heavy rain kept our hiking to a minimum, but the scenery was still spectacular!

The streams that flowed from the cliffs looked like chocolate milk:
(Die Bäche, die von den Klippen flossen sahen aus wie Schokoladenmilch:)

Natural rock formations called Cannonball Concretions (they look like giant dinosaur eggs):
(Natürliche Stein Formationen, genannt Kanonenkugel Konkretionen (sie sehen aus wie riesige Dinosaurier-Eier):)

Much of the flatland next to the road was flooded:
(Viel von dem flachen Land neben der Strasse war überflutet:)

The River Bend Overlook:
(Flussbiegung Aussichtspunkt:)

There are only about 100 buffalo in the northern part of the park, but they all seemed to be congregated in one spot.  It made for a great view!
(Es gibt ungefähr 100 Büffel in den nördlichen Teil des Parks, aber sie schienen alle an einem Ort zu seien.)

And this is what happens when you open your window to take such pictures, rain everywhere!:
(Und hier ist was passiert wenn man das Fenster öffnet um solche Bilder zu machen, Regen im Auto!:)

A wet marshmallow-man at the last overlook (called the Oxbow Overlook):
(Ein nasser Marshmallow-Mann am letzten Aussichtspunkt (genannt der Oxbow Aussichtspunkt):)

On our way back to the park entrance:
(Auf dem Weg zurück zum Parkeingang:)

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