She is Here!!!

Baby girl arrived near the end of July. It was a crazy long labor but all ended well. The short version of the story is that baby’s head was asynclitic, meaning it was tilted toward her shoulder, which made dilation extremely slow and uneven, and caused the pushing stage to also take a very long…

Ouray & Durango – Babymoon! & Second Maternity Photo Shoot

Ever heard of a Babymoon? In a sense it’s like a honeymoon, but it’s a getaway or time spent together before the baby arrives, since we know things will get crazy busy then! We spent our Babymoon in Ouray and Durango, Colorado. We added a few days onto a weekend and headed out to Ouray….

It’s a Girl!

We’ve since found out that our little one is going to be a GIRL! Here is our announcement: It’s funny because several people including my sister, best friend, and aunt had previously said they thought baby would be a girl. We didn’t know and talking about it multiple times we really had no preference. Some…

Denver Zoo Lights

Denver Zoo Lights is an event where the zoo is lit up by lots and lots of little shimmering lights in all different colors throughout the park. Some are just strands of lights providing festive ambiance, while many others are animal figures illuminated in colorful lights, very appropriate for the location of course. The event…

Holidays 2014

Here are some pictures of our holiday season. I went to Germany for a few weeks to visit with family as it had been too long. We spent a lot of good time hanging out, playing games, eating way too much. I spent most of my time with my Grossmutter, including making (and eating) a…

We’re Pregnant!

We found out we were expecting a baby back in November and have been super ecstatic since. This is the announcement we put up on Facebook. We thought using gear was fitting for two climbing enthusiasts. I suppose it’s possible our baby won’t grow up to be a climber (there’s also caving as well!) but…