Baby and the Dog

Baby and the Dog

Things really started getting fun when lil K actually noticed our dog Maggie. Before that Maggie would walk by, jingle her collar, smell the baby, and lil K was oblivious. Then she started following the dog with her eyes and smiling. Now she is watching, giggling, reaching, holding her arms out to and petting the…

Butterfly Pavilion

Butterfly Pavilion

The Butterfly Pavilion is located in Westmister, CO and is a fun afternoon activity. It not only has the obvious butterfly area, but multiple other rooms with other interesting creatures. There are tarantulas of which you can hold one but none of us did. There are bees, scorpions, beetles, starfish, horseshoe crabs, and so much…

The First 6 Months

The First 6 Months

It has been a crazy, wonderful, amazing, mind-blowing first six months. It’s hard to believe we’ve already had this little one in our lives for over half of a year. There have been so many challenges, so much to learn and figure out, so much work on little sleep, but it has been so rewarding,…